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【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 刘杨!

发布日期:2021-09-09 00:58     来源:网络






Liu Yang, born in 1957 in Beijing. Vice president of China Red Culture Calligrapher Association, vice president of Bayi calligraphy and painting academy, and consultant of China contemporary calligraphy and Painting Association.

Mr. Liu usually wears a casual jacket, long hair and shoulders, and speaks brightly and easygoing. As China's fourth generation portraitist of the Tiananmen Gate Tower, he has been painting great men such as Chairman Mao for nearly 40 years. Liu Yang: "I will do this in my life. If I want to do it well, I must do it well.". Known as the youngest "City Tower painter", Liu Yang, the leader of Tiananmen Square, said: Chairman Mao should paint like the red sun.












没有经过任何科班培训,很难想像刘杨扎实的绘画功底竟然全靠自学。1979年,通过评比考核,22岁的刘杨从10名竞争者中脱颖而出,成为第四代天安门城楼画师,也是至今所有6位“城楼画师”中最年轻的一位。 “甭管你多能画画,当冲着和你脸一般大的眼睛、鼻子时,你立马会懵。”毫无疑问,巨幅领袖画像的绘制是一个困难重重的工作。回忆那一次画像的过程,刘杨说:“绘画从7月开始,我在一间铁皮围成的车间作画,室内热得像蒸笼,但我依旧干劲十足……”两个月时间,刘杨完成了作品,画像在当年国庆前夕被挂上天安门城楼。那次绘画经历,成为刘杨引以为豪的事,但绘制过程让他心存余悸,那个时候,画得不好可是政治错误啊!



Without any subject training, it is hard to imagine that Liu Yang's solid painting skills rely on self-study. In 1979, Liu Yang, 22, stood out from 10 competitors and became the fourth generation of Tiananmen tower painters. He is also the youngest of all six "tower painters" so far“ No matter how much you can draw, when you look at your eyes and nose as big as your face, you will be confused immediately. " There is no doubt that the drawing of huge portraits of leaders is a difficult task. Recalling the process of that portrait, Liu Yang said: "since July, I have been painting in a workshop surrounded by iron sheets. The room is as hot as a steamer, but I am still full of energy..." in two months, Liu Yang completed his work and the portrait was hung on the Tiananmen Gate Tower on the eve of the national day of that year. Liu Yang was proud of that painting experience, but the painting process left him with lingering fear. At that time, poor painting was a political mistake!

There is only one portrait of Chairman Mao of the city tower painted by Liu Yang. His other portraits of Chairman Mao have been hung in the Great Hall of the people, the Museum of Chinese history, the capital gymnasium, the Military Museum of the Chinese people's revolution and so on. In people's eyes, Liu Yang's work is very noble, but in his own opinion, he is an enterprise employee with an ordinary salary. His inner pride is the greatest wealth.













1975 年经北京市委批准,被挑选到北京市美术公司,师从油画大师王国栋,专门学习、创作伟人肖像。

1979 年,建国三十周年画天安门城楼毛主席巨幅画像。

1980 年,画人民大会堂毛主席巨幅画像。

1981 至 1991 年,多次绘制天安门广场的马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林、孙中山巨幅油画和朱德、周恩来、邓小平、宋庆龄、董必武、任弼时、胡耀邦、华国锋、陈云、彭德怀、贺龙、陈毅、聂荣臻、徐向前、罗荣桓、叶剑英油画肖像。

1992 年,绘制北京街头第一幅邓小平巨幅油画肖像。

1999 年,在建国五十周年大庆活动中,国庆组委会邀请为江泽民主席绘制油画肖像。

2005 年 5 月,绘制的马、恩、列、斯等油画参加国家博物馆《全国首届马克思主义文化艺术作品展》, 后此展览到上海做巡回展。

2006 年 6 月,接受香港凤凰周刊专访。同年接受美国洛杉矶时报记者专访,绘制的毛泽东、宋庆龄油画 及本人照片刊登该报上。

2006 年 9 月,在人民大会堂四川厅举行捐赠仪式,将精心绘制的朱德元帅油画肖像捐赠给朱德(故乡) 纪念馆展藏。

2006 年 10 月,应中国佛教协会之邀,绘画佛教领袖赵朴初先生油画肖像。

2007 年 5 月,德国电视一台为迎接奥运会向世界介绍中国东方文化,德国电视专访,介绍伟人肖像画的 创作经历,并在欧洲播放。

2009 年 8 月,绘制的毛主席油画肖像捐赠湖南韶山毛主席纪念馆展藏。 北京晚报,京华时报,新京报,劳动午报等报纸,期刊,杂志,画刊多次登载介绍。同年 12 月 26 日,为纪念毛泽东主席诞辰 116 周年,绘制不同时期的 32 幅毛泽东油画肖像在湖南省博物馆展出,引起强烈反响。

2011 年 7 月,庆祝中国共产党建党九十周年、中国人民解放军建军 84 周年,绘制不同时期的 50 幅毛泽东等油画肖像在陕西省西安市美术馆展出,引起强烈反响。

2011 年 8 月, 庆祝中国共产党建党九十周年、中国人民解放军建军 84 周年,绘制不同时期的 50 幅毛泽东等油画肖像在河北省博物馆展出,引起强烈反响。

2012 年 10 月,受北京电视台青年频道之邀,作为嘉宾参加了“书香北京---我爱北京天安门”的采访节目录制。


Academic achievements and honors: in 1975, with the approval of Beijing Municipal Party committee, he was selected to Beijing art company to study and create portraits of great men under the guidance of oil painting master Wang Guodong. In 1979, the 30th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China drew a huge portrait of Chairman Mao in the Tiananmen Gate Tower. In 1980, he painted a huge portrait of Chairman Mao in the Great Hall of the people. From 1981 to 1991, he repeatedly painted giant oil paintings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Sun Yat sen in Tiananmen Square and oil paintings of Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Song Qingling, Dong Biwu, Ren Bishi, Hu Yaobang, Hua Guofeng, Chen Yun, Peng Dehuai, he long, Chen Yi, Nie Rongzhen, Xu Xiangqian, Luo Ronghuan and Ye Jianying. In 1992, he painted the first giant oil painting portrait of Deng Xiaoping on the streets of Beijing. In 1999, during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the National Day organizing committee invited President Jiang Zemin to draw an oil painting portrait. In May 2005, the oil paintings of Ma, en, lie and Si participated in the first National Marxist cultural and artistic works exhibition of the National Museum, and then the exhibition went to Shanghai for a tour exhibition. In June 2006, he received an exclusive interview with Hong Kong Phoenix Weekly. In the same year, he received an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, and his paintings of Mao Zedong and Soong Ching Ling and his photos were published in the newspaper.


In September 2006, a donation ceremony was held in the Sichuan Hall of the Great Hall of the people to donate the carefully drawn oil painting portrait of Marshal Zhu De to the exhibition collection of Zhu De (hometown) memorial hall.

In October 2006, at the invitation of China Buddhist Association, he painted an oil painting portrait of Buddhist leader Mr. Zhao Puchu.

In May 2007, in order to welcome the Olympic Games, German TV 1 introduced Chinese Oriental culture to the world. German TV interview introduced the creative experience of great man portraits and broadcast them in Europe.

In August 2009, the painted oil painting portrait of Chairman Mao was donated to the exhibition collection of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Shaoshan, Hunan Province. Beijing Evening News, Beijing times, Beijing News, labor afternoon news and other newspapers, periodicals, magazines and pictorials have published introductions for many times. On December 26 of the same year, in order to commemorate the 116th anniversary of Chairman Mao Zedong's birthday, 32 oil paintings of Mao Zedong in different periods were displayed in Hunan Provincial Museum, which aroused strong repercussions.

In July 2011, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 84th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, 50 oil painting portraits of Mao Zedong in different periods were displayed in Xi'an Art Museum, Shaanxi Province, which aroused strong repercussions.

In August 2011, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 84th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, 50 oil paintings of Mao Zedong and other portraits in different periods were displayed in Hebei Provincial Museum, which aroused strong repercussions.

In October 2012, invited by the youth channel of Beijing TV station, he participated in the recording of the interview program "scholarly Beijing - I love Beijing Tiananmen Square" as a guest.














2013 年 11 月 12 日,“红色情怀”著名书法家袁伟将军、著名油画家刘杨书法绘画作品联展在武汉经济开发区举行。共展出两人创作的毛泽东诗词书法作品,毛泽东等领袖、开国元勋、十大元帅像等共计 100 余 幅。

2014 年 10 月 4 日,中央电视台新闻频道播出专题片“我爱北京天安门-画家刘杨”。

2015 年 3 月 20 日,参加北京市军事博物馆举办“纪念抗战七十周年” 画展。

2015 年 7 月 7 日,参加在江苏省南京市现代美术馆举办“纪念抗战七十周年”画展,二百位将军及名人名家参加展览。

2016 年 5 月 8 日,参加在河南省兰考县展览馆举办“长征颂 中国梦”--纪念伟大的中国工农红军长征胜利 80 周年暨《县委书记的榜样—焦裕禄》发表 50 周年,李必达,刘杨全国名家书画艺术展。


On November 12, 2013, the joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting works of "red feelings" famous calligrapher general Yuan Wei and famous oil painter Liu Yang was held in Wuhan Economic Development Zone. A total of more than 100 paintings of Mao Zedong's poems and calligraphy created by the two people, including the portraits of Mao Zedong and other leaders, founding fathers and ten marshals, were displayed.

On October 4, 2014, CCTV news channel broadcast the feature film "I love Beijing Tiananmen - painter Liu Yang".

On March 20, 2015, he participated in the painting exhibition "commemorating the 70th anniversary of the war of resistance against Japan" held by Beijing Military Museum.

On July 7, 2015, he participated in the "Commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the war of resistance against Japan" exhibition held in Nanjing Modern Art Museum, Jiangsu Province, and 200 generals and celebrities participated in the exhibition.

On May 8, 2016, Li Bida and Liu Yang participated in the national famous calligraphy and painting art exhibition of "praising the Chinese dream in the long march" -- Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the great Chinese workers and Peasants Red Army in the long march and the 50th anniversary of the publication of Jiao Yulu, an example of the county Party secretary.










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